Aquarius: January 19 - February 18
Daily Horoscopes May 21 - 27, 2023
Sunday - May 21, 2023
THE MOON IS IN GEMINI TODAY! Keywords: flirty, flighty, fiesty, the chameleon, variety is the spice of life, colorful (all colors), spontaneous, communication, transportation, siblings, neighbors, mental abilities, mental telepathy, the mentalist, thinking, brainiac, intellectual, puzzles, basic education (grades 1 thru 12)
The Gemini Moon is trine (easy and effortless energy) your 5th house of pleasurable activities, dating, love affairs, playtime/acting, sensual emotions, lovers, parenthood and sexuality, creativity, artistic pursuits, hobbies, recreation, procreation, children. It also includes leisure, games, sports, self-fulfillment, joy and bliss.
Look at the keywords above because the Moon is in flirtatious Gemini and you are in the mood for socializing, flirting and playfulness. This is a perfect time to spend with children or embrace your own child-like self and go out. You will likely be in a fun, flighty, flirty and feisty mood and the great thing is it will work for you. Many Aquarian's are unattached simply because they need space . . lots and lots of space . . but under playful Gemini influence in the house of fun you may be in the mood for Love. Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website -
Monday - May 22, 2023
THE MOON IS IN CANCER TODAY! Keywords: Home, family, mother, older women, nurturing, cooking, gardening, tradition, moody, feelings, over-emotional, antiques, nostalgia, emotions, intuition, tears, water, land, mining, property, your heritage, places of abode, residences, your roots, biological and psychological foundation
The Cancer Moon is moving through your 6th house of daily life, health, hygiene, food, work ethic, employees, service, skills, servants, clothing and sickness. It is about the service you give to others and your daily habits, routine, the working environment, pets, animals and service.
You are more likely now than in the recent past to take a stronger position when it comes to work ethic, employees and co-workers. You may just have had enough of those who are not pulling their weight and speak up about the what is really going on. Take note that this Cancer energy is very emotional. You don't want to come across as emotional and moody, then no one take you seriously. This is also the house of health and fitness. Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website -
Tuesday - May 23, 2023
THE MOON IS IN CANCER TODAY! Keywords: Home, family, mother, older women, nurturing, cooking, gardening, tradition, moody, feelings, over-emotional, antiques, nostalgia, emotions, intuition, tears, water, land, mining, property, your heritage, places of abode, residences, your roots, biological and psychological foundation
The Cancer Moon is moving through your 6th house of daily life, health, hygiene, food, work ethic, employees, service, skills, servants, clothing and sickness. It is about the service you give to others and your daily habits, routine, the working environment, pets, animals and service.
As a group oriented individual, Aquarius is typically in a daily environment where there is some hustle and bustle. This 6th house of daily regimen, daily activity and the daily grind works well with Aquarian's style of constant activity. The most important thing you need to remember when the Moon is in Cancer in this 6th house of health, fitness and hygiene is that your entire health system is based upon your emotions. That's where this emotional and moody Cancer Moon comes into play in this 6th house of health. Cancer rules the uterus, digestion, breasts, stomach and the womb; therefore, it is these areas of the body that you need to be keenly aware of you choose to carry your emotions internally. If I were you, I would restart and refocus on my health every single time the Cancer Moon lands in this 6th house. This will keep you on your health game if you are continually refocusing every month. Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website -
Wednesday - May 24, 2023
THE MOON IS IN LEO TODAY! Keywords: Leadership, bossy, children, generosity, dramatic, ego, royalty, physical strength, playful, demanding, strong will, fun, sunny disposition, the stage
The Moon in Leo is opposing your 7th house of contractual relationships. This house also rules unions, lawsuits, contracts, partnerships, marriages, agreements, and open enemies with the public. This can be partnerships in business, marriage or a committed relationship that is a live-in arrangement. It also includes long-term associations, the animus (underlying passion or force), the relationship between soul and personality.
Quite honestly, when it comes to Aquarius coupling up, the partner really needs to come packin'. I mean they need to bring something to the table that reveals they are an established person. They need to have some intelligence and experience under their belt in order to hold a more than decent conversation with an Aquarius. Contrary to maybe even your belief, Aquarius needs a partner who has some power and influence because this would reveal 'their' intelligence because if they had intelligence in Aquarius' book, then they would be making right decisions. At the same time you need to make certain that you do not allow your partner to dominate you. Just because you are looking for someone super intelligent does not mean you should be under the thumb or down-graded. Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website -
Thursday - May 25, 2023
THE MOON IS IN LEO TODAY! Keywords: Leadership, bossy, children, generosity, dramatic, ego, royalty, physical strength, playful, demanding, strong will, fun, sunny disposition, the stage
The Moon in Leo is opposing your 7th house of contractual relationships. This house also rules unions, lawsuits, contracts, partnerships, marriages, agreements, and open enemies with the public. This can be partnerships in business, marriage or a committed relationship that is a live-in arrangement. It also includes long-term associations, the animus (underlying passion or force), the relationship between soul and personality.
Leo is the most egotistical sign of the zodiac and the Moon rules the emotions. Since this Leo Moon is in your opposing sign, this doesn't necessarily mean that the energy has to be a tug of war or opposition. Opposites are the perfect balance, so it is probably YOU that needs to get YOUR ego in check and come to terms with your rebellious emotions. This 7th house is the house of agreement and negotiation, so instead of rebelling against a relationship, consciously choose a desire to come to an agreement. Notice in the paragraph above that there is a relationship between your soul and your personality. If there is hesitation or aggravation in your soul, it will be reflected in your personality and you will not be able to conceal it. Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website -
Friday - May 26, 2023
THE MOON IS IN LEO TODAY! Keywords: Leadership, bossy, children, generosity, dramatic, ego, royalty, physical strength, playful, demanding, strong will, fun, sunny disposition, the stage
The Moon in Leo is opposing your 7th house of contractual relationships. This house also rules unions, lawsuits, contracts, partnerships, marriages, agreements, and open enemies with the public. This can be partnerships in business, marriage or a committed relationship that is a live-in arrangement. It also includes long-term associations, the animus (underlying passion or force), the relationship between soul and personality.
If you are coupled up it is likely that you may feel stronger than you have in quite some time. Your will is much stronger now; therefore, you could come across as bossy and demanding. You are probably in no mood to take any grief from anyone. This Leo Moon can turn Aquarius even more rebellious. The majority of married Aquarian's who are bound by a signed contract may be wondering, "What the heck was I thinking?" You may actually feel "bound" of feel tied down simply because Aquarius is THE MOST freedom Loving sign and has extremely wide boundaries. If you are single, remember it is human beings that need a contract (piece of paper). The Universe doesn't require paperwork. Committed relationships may be quite frustrating for you under this Leo influence. Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website -
Saturday - May 27, 2023
This Daily Horoscope is coming . . . Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website -
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) - Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
Ananda Balasana (Happy Childs Pose aka Happy Baby Pose) - Christine Olsen - B.A., RYT200, Yin and Accessible Yoga Certified
Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shoulder Stand) - Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
Aquarius body parts: Ankles, arteries, calves, circulation of blood, distribution of body fluid, lymph, lymphatic system, shins, skin, varicose veins, vision(s)
Aquarius rules the 11th House of: Organizations, hopes, wishes, dreams, friends, alliances, fraternities, memberships, money from employer, finances of employer, stock exchanges, relationship with groups of people, social acquaintances, groups and their activities, the New Group of World Servers.
Aquarius Character Traits: Friendly, outgoing, self-expressive, disseminates knowledge, expression through sizable groups of people, less likely to budge from preconceived ideas although progressive in outlook, original, inventive, intellectual, independent, idealistic, revolutionary, Loving, caring expressed more in groups than through individuals, freedom-loving, close relationships may feel restrictive
Aquarius Yoga Poses: For calves and ankles. Padmasana (Lotus Pose), Garudasana (Eagle Pose), Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby), Virasana (Hero Pose), Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose), Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shoulder Stand), Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (Revolved Side Angle) revolved movements can help break through rebellion.
Virasana (Hero Pose) - Christine Olsen - B.A., RYT200, Yin and Accessible Yoga Certified
Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall) - Christine Olsen - B.A., RYT200, Yin and Accessible Yoga Certified
Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose aka Diamond Pose) - Christine Olsen - B.A., RYT200, Yin and Accessible Yoga Certified
Sukhasana (Easy Pose) - Christine Olsen - B.A., RYT200, Yin and Accessible Yoga Certified
Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
Garudasana (Eagle Pose)