Matsyasana or Fish Pose Variations
(mot-see-AH-sah-na) . . . matsya = fish
Fish Pose is a reclined back-bend asana. It is considered a counterpose to Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) in the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series.
Matsyasana opens and stretches the front body, particularly the throat, chest, abdomen, hip flexors, and intercostals muscles (between the ribs).
It strengthens the upper back, as well as the back of the neck thereby improving spinal flexibility, strength and posture.
Fish Pose Contraindications:
Abnormal Blood Pressure: Individuals suffering from high or low blood pressure should avoid the more intense variations and find a variation below that is gentle on their body.
Migraines or Insomnia . . take one of the ‘Restorative’ variations with comfortable head, neck and upper back support.
Neck Injury: Neck injuries or any part of the lower back or middle back can make it difficult to practice this pose. Individuals should find a variation below that is gentle on their body.
MATSYASANA - *This is the most-known variation of Matsyasana. Lift pelvis slide hands, palms down under buttocks, rest buttocks on hands, upper torso presses toward to the ceiling, head drops back, crown to the ground (unless you have a ponytail), legs extended. The original variation also has legs in Padmasana (full lotus). Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - *This is the most-known variation of Matsyasana with legs in Sukhasana (criss-cross-applesauce). Lift pelvis slide hands, palms down under buttocks, rest buttocks on hands, upper torso presses toward to the ceiling, head drops back, crown to the ground (unless you have a ponytail), legs extended. The original variation also has legs in Padmasana (full lotus). Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - In its most basic form, legs extended, hands slide under the buttocks, palms down, elbows bent as needed. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
RESTORATIVE MATSYASANA - Note how using a spare yoga mat can serve as a pranayama bolster. Blankets under the knees and ankles. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
RESTORATIVE MATSYASANA - Note the support of the back and neck. Perfect for those with congenital fusions or surgical fusions. Note how using a spare yoga mat can serve as a pranayama bolster. Blankets under the knees and ankles. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
RESTORATIVE MATSYASANA - If you do not have a pranayama bolster or spare yoga mat, you can slide your elbows closer to the body or use blankets to support the arms. Blankets under the knees and ankles. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Using a spare yoga mat can serve as a pranayama bolster support the head, neck and spine. Blankets under the knees and ankles. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Note how using a spare yoga mat can serve as a pranayama bolster. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Note how using a rolled blanket can serve as a pranayama bolster to support the spine. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Note how using a rolled blanket can serve as a pranayama bolster to support the spine and then you can drop your head back and open the throat chakra. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Drawing the legs into Sukhasana Pose (criss-cross-applesauce). Note how using a rolled blanket can serve as a pranayama bolster to support the spine. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Using blocks to support the spine the neck. Legs extended. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Using blocks to support the spine the neck. Legs in Sukhasana (criss-cross-applesauce). Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Using blocks to support the spine. Legs in Sukhasana (criss-cross-applesauce). Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Using blocks to support the spine, crown of the head to the mat. Legs in Sukhasana (criss-cross-applesauce). Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - with Garudasana (eagle) arms and Garudasana (eagle) legs. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Upper torso presses toward to the ceiling, head drops back, crown to the ground (unless you have a ponytail), legs and arms extended as if in Navasana (boat pose). Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - with arms and legs extended. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
YIN MATSYASANA - Bolster to support the spine, crown of the head to the mat. Legs in extended. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
YIN MATSYASANA - Using an old yoga mat as a pranayama bolster to support the spine. Legs in extended. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
YIN MATSYASANA - Using a rolled blanket to support the spine, crown of the head to the mat. Legs in extended. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
YIN MATSYASANA - Using a rolled blanket to support the spine, crown of the head to the mat. Legs in Sukhasana (criss cross applesauce). Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
YIN MATSYASANA - Bolster to support upper spine, shoulders, neck and head. Legs in extended. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Propless. Seated in Hero Pose (Virasana), which means butt between the ankles, reclined, heart pressed toward ceiling, spine-arched, crown to the ground. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Using blocks, one under back around the area of T4 (thoracic vertebrae #4, which is about the bra strap area) and one to support the head. Legs in extended. Make the props work for you. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Using Kali Mudra - Interlace your middle, ring and pinky fingers, press the index fingers together and point them towards the sky, cross left thumb over right thumb. Legs in extended. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Using Kali Mudra - Interlace your middle, ring and pinky fingers, press the index fingers together and point them towards the sky, cross left thumb over right thumb. Legs in extended. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Anjali Mudra, thumbs pressed into heart space. Legs in extended. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - Arms to side, elbows bent 90 degrees, fingers together, palms facing each other. Legs in extended. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
MATSYASANA - One-leg half lotus, hands on the hips. Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP