Matsyasana or Fish Pose Variations
(mot-see-AH-sah-na) . . . matsya = fish
Fish Pose is a reclined back-bend asana. It is considered a counterpose to Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) in the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series.
Matsyasana opens and stretches the front body, particularly the throat, chest, abdomen, hip flexors, and intercostals muscles (between the ribs).
It strengthens the upper back, as well as the back of the neck thereby improving spinal flexibility, strength and posture.
Fish Pose Contraindications:
Abnormal Blood Pressure: Individuals suffering from high or low blood pressure should avoid the more intense variations and find a variation below that is gentle on their body.
Migraines or Insomnia . . take one of the ‘Restorative’ variations with comfortable head, neck and upper back support.
Neck Injury: Neck injuries or any part of the lower back or middle back can make it difficult to practice this pose. Individuals should find a variation below that is gentle on their body.