Pisces: February 18 - March 20
Daily Horoscopes May 21 - 27, 2023
Sunday - May 21, 2023
THE MOON IS IN GEMINI TODAY! Keywords: flirty, flighty, fiesty, the chameleon, variety is the spice of life, colorful (all colors), spontaneous, communication, transportation, siblings, neighbors, mental abilities, mental telepathy, the mentalist, thinking, brainiac, intellectual, puzzles, basic education (grades 1 thru 12)
The Gemini Moon is squaring (challenging) your 4th house of home and family. It describes your roots, your heritage and your private life. This house also rules land, property, residences, domestic affairs, psychological foundations, biological inheritance and place of abode.
You may talk a little too much today about home and family matters that would best be kept private. You will need to silence yourself before the cat gets out of the bag. You may find it a challenge to keep silent when you really want to tell it like it is. This freedom-loving Gemini Moon will stimulate you to pull the Pisces Houdini Act and make a great escape like a slippery fish in someone's hand. If escaping will help you keep your mind straight, then swim to a nice quiet place where you can think! A moving meditation such as household chores will help you think clearly. Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website - www.DrStandley.com
Monday - May 22, 2023
THE MOON IS IN CANCER TODAY! Keywords: Home, family, mother, older women, nurturing, cooking, gardening, tradition, moody, feelings, over-emotional, antiques, nostalgia, emotions, intuition, tears, water, land, mining, property, your heritage, places of abode, residences, your roots, biological and psychological foundation
The Cancer Moon is trine (easy and effortless energy) your 5th house of pleasurable activities, dating, love affairs, playtime/acting, sensual emotions, lovers, parenthood and sexuality, creativity, artistic pursuits, hobbies, recreation, procreation, children. It also includes leisure, games, sports, self-fulfillment, joy and bliss.
You may be more aggressive toward pursuing a Love. This is not really your nature so you will need to tame yourself a bit. (winky wink) Pleasurable activities are certainly highlighted with fun, dating, children and all types of wonderful recreation. Keep in mind this house rules sensual emotions, not aggressive emotions. All the same, the Cancer Moon today can make for moody and emotional behavior. Again, tame your emotions and you could easily win over the one of your affections. Before you pursue romantic Love, make certain that you chase down your own bliss and joy and you will be irresistible to the one you seek. This is a very fertile time, which means a time to make babies. Think before you act. Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website - www.DrStandley.com
Tuesday - May 23, 2023
THE MOON IS IN CANCER TODAY! Keywords: Home, family, mother, older women, nurturing, cooking, gardening, tradition, moody, feelings, over-emotional, antiques, nostalgia, emotions, intuition, tears, water, land, mining, property, your heritage, places of abode, residences, your roots, biological and psychological foundation
The Cancer Moon is trine (easy and effortless energy) your 5th house of pleasurable activities, dating, love affairs, playtime/acting, sensual emotions, lovers, parenthood and sexuality, creativity, artistic pursuits, hobbies, recreation, procreation, children. It also includes leisure, games, sports, self-fulfillment, joy and bliss.
This is the time month when you may just fall all over your Loved one with kisses, hugs and compliments. Pisces absolutely Loves to brag about their partner. There is an emotional component here with the emotional Cancer Moon present, which also brings in sentimental values. This is also the time of the month when you may eat more chocolate or rich desserts that represent something that has to do with Love . . like chocolate covered strawberries. Pisces is certainly in the mood for Love and the emotions are just bubbling over. If you are not coupled up, this energy may be channeled toward the children. If are not coupled up or have any children, they you may be eye-googling a celebrity or someone else that you are crushed out on. Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website - www.DrStandley.com
Wednesday - May 24, 2023
THE MOON IS IN LEO TODAY! Keywords: Leadership, bossy, children, generosity, dramatic, ego, royalty, physical strength, playful, demanding, strong will, fun, sunny disposition, the stage
The Leo Moon is moving through your 6th house of daily life, health, hygiene, food, work ethic, employees, service, skills, servants, clothing and sickness. It is about the service you give to others and your daily habits, routine, the working environment, pets, animals and service.
This is the time of the month when you really need to self-monitor your dramatics. Even though Leo is known for the stage and drama, it is Pisces who has the dramatic beat on Leo and puts on the Academy Award winning performance. As an extremely theatrical and dramatic sign, you really need to watch your technique in this 6th house of health. You may not like what I'm about to say, but someone needs to say it. Pisces often dramatically creates psychosomatic illnesses in order to gain attention or they may over-emphasize their pain in order to gain attention. I'm telling you, this will not work for you. You may need to make a sacrifice today but then dramatize what it took for you to do it. Enough already! Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website - www.DrStandley.com
Thursday - May 25, 2023
THE MOON IS IN LEO TODAY! Keywords: Leadership, bossy, children, generosity, dramatic, ego, royalty, physical strength, playful, demanding, strong will, fun, sunny disposition, the stage
The Leo Moon is moving through your 6th house of daily life, health, hygiene, food, work ethic, employees, service, skills, servants, clothing and sickness. It is about the service you give to others and your daily habits, routine, the working environment, pets, animals and service.
This 6th house is about everything you do on a daily basis including coming in contact with people on a daily basis such as co-workers and employees. This is not about you standing out in a crowd today so the Pisces drama will not work for you today. There will be no center of attention today. Take the lead and set the example if you want to influence others because bossing them around or criticizing them will just not work today. There should be no dramatizing what you did or didn't do or what others are or aren't doing their work. Just take the lead and start working on yourself and that is how you will influence others. This in turn will stimulate others to make a change. People just Love doing what others are doing especially if they see that person get results. You can actually set the example for others to follow. If you change your routine, then others will change theirs. It's amazing how that happens. Do not make these changes to change others because they still have free will and can do as they please. Make certain that you do things for yourself and then watch others fall right in line. Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website - www.DrStandley.com
Friday - May 26, 2023
THE MOON IS IN LEO TODAY! Keywords: Leadership, bossy, children, generosity, dramatic, ego, royalty, physical strength, playful, demanding, strong will, fun, sunny disposition, the stage
The Leo Moon is moving through your 6th house of daily life, health, hygiene, food, work ethic, employees, service, skills, servants, clothing and sickness. It is about the service you give to others and your daily habits, routine, the working environment, pets, animals and service.
This is an ABSOLUTE perfect time for you to get a better handle on your health and fitness needs. While you may be tempted to point fingers at employees and co-workers today, it is best that you think about and concern yourself with your own work ethic. If you are a manager at work or in charge of anything, then you need to check in with yourself before you complain about others. Work on setting a daily routine that works for you. Become a Good manager of your own time. If you can't manage your own time, then why are you complaining about someone else's use of time? OUCHY! Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website - www.DrStandley.com
Saturday - May 27, 2023
This Daily Horoscope is coming . . . Check the bigger daily horoscope and a load of Astro Memes on my other website - www.DrStandley.com
Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana (Standing Split) - Leah Juenger - B.A., E-RYT200, RYT500, YACEP
Balasana (Child’s Pose aka Baby Pose) - - Christine Olsen - B.A., RYT200, Yin and Accessible Yoga Certified
Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall) - Christine Olsen - B.A., RYT200, Yin and Accessible Yoga Certified
Pisces body parts: Bloating, blood fibrin, corns on the feet, the feet, glandular swellings, lymph, lymphatic system, mucous discharges, physical pain, synovial fluid, tissues of the body, tumors, toes, water retention
Pisces rules the 12th House Institutions, jails, hospitals, karma, finances of friends, secret sorrows, fears, self-destruction, large animals, skeletons in closet, self-injury, self-undoing, self-injury, endings, hidden strengths and weaknesses, libraries, armed services, collective unconscious, spirituality, unredeemed karma, selfless service to humanity.
Pisces Character Traits: Intuitive, inspirational, high belief systems, idealism, concentration, hospitality, service, peace, refinement, purity, perception, psychometry, order, methodical
Pisces Yoga Poses: Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Ardha Bhekasana (Half Frog Pose), Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana (Standing Split), Virasana (Hero Pose), Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose), Toes Pose (Yogi Toe Squat), Padmasana (Full Lotus Pose), Half-Lotus Pose, Burmese Pose, Garbha Pindasana (Embryo Pose), Balasana (Childs Pose grabbing the heels), Sukhasana (Easy Pose, Criss-Cross Applesauce)
Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose aka Diamond Pose) - Christine Olsen - B.A., RYT200, Yin and Accessible Yoga Certified
Virasanaa (Hero Pose) - Christine Olsen - B.A., RYT200, Yin and Accessible Yoga Certified
Sukhasana (Easy Pose) - Christine Olsen - B.A., RYT200, Yin and Accessible Yoga Certified